Tuesday, 24 March 2015

JAMB's first Computer Based Test (CBT)

The first Computer Based Tests organised by Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) for entrance into Nigeria's Universities and Polytechnics and Colleges of Education just came to an end. Prior to this, JAMB tests have been taken by the Pencil and Paper method.
This is a welcome development despite the alleged challenges experienced by some candidates.
Some of the challenges experienced by some candidates include
1. Delays caused by server failures, slow internet speed and power failure.
2. Change of venue without adequate notification
3. Change of exam date without adequate notification.
4. Verification of candidates started late.

However, the overall assessment of the maiden outing of JAMB's CBT is that it went well.Irespective of the challenges, JAMB deserves a pat on the back for moving with the time by introducing the CBT.In this computer age, it is important to keep abreast with our peers otherwise our students will be left behind.

It is pertinent to note that from this CBT is has emerged that a good number of candidates are computer illiterates as they could not operate the computers! We take a lot for granted and it is an eye opener.Some of the candidates confirmed that they have never seen computers before, some have seen computers but have never used them.
We hereby call on the government and philanthropists to rise to this challenge and equip our secondary schools with computers that work. 

Whatever the complaints, CTB is definitely better than the previous Pensil & Paper method because it has drastically cut down on exam malpractice, issues of pecial centres and impersonation.
Taking into consideration that this is the first, we hope that JAMB will go back to the drawing table and figure out ways to correct the challenges experienced this time with a view of organising a much better CBT next year.
Well done JAMB!!!


  1. It's a good start from JAMB better than pencil and paper "according to a jambite" she said i hope it continues. i also really hope it continues.


  2. Can Jamb really go on with this new system?

