Wednesday, 11 March 2015

From African Higher Education Summit in Dakar

Highlights from African Higher Education Summit in Dakar Senegal-

There is need for transformative change in education - Dr Sall

Investment in knowledge is the best.

We need to have firm commitment on online teaching - Prof Diagne

 Governance & the rule of law cannot be left to the government alone -

 We must direct our teaching system towards STEM - Prof Diagne

 Europe has shown us that u can have high education standards for free

No one is born a good citizen, education installs this in them -

 We need to look at partnerships with educational institutions in other parts of the world to learn from each   
  other -

 We need to improve enrollment and revitalize education in Africa -

To improve livelihood we recognised that we need more universities - Dr Urgessa

Increase investment and number of students (especially females) in the STEM disciplines

The problem of unemployed youths, we need to address this time bomb.

 We have an enrollment in 70% in STEM - Dr Urgessa
 Embedded image permalinkOby Ezekwesili, Dlamini Zuma, Kofi Annan, Aicha Diallo @ African Higher Education Summit in Dakar.

How safe are we as Africans with so many foreign universities coming here to Africa esp when profit is involved? - audience member

How can we engage the Swiss education model here in Africa? - Audience member

*Reasons have been given, solutions have been proffered, when  
  will Nigeria commence implementation of  
  some of the solutions?

1 comment:

  1. I just wonder, i pray we change for the better.

