Thursday, 2 July 2015

Bullying, does your school have a policy? (1)

A child being bullied at school.
Bullying can best be described as repeated aggressive use of power to harm, intimidate, embarrass or control some one.
Bullying can be physical, social or verbal. It is number one non-academic issue in most schools yet a good number of school authorities choose to ignore it or pretend that they are not aware of it.

Bullying is a real menace which can have drastic effect on bullied students, these include;
1. children whoa are bullied will not reach their full potential in school
2.They will not reach their potential in the community.
3. They can kill themselves.
4. They can develop inferiority complex which may last throughout their life time.
5. They develop bullying tendencies at home and bully their siblings.
6. Death. In some extreme cases, the bullied commit suicide.

 It is our opinion that all schools should have policy on bullying and professional training on prevention and handling of bullying should be given to counselors.

1 comment:

  1. Bullying in Nigerian schools is real. We have been forced to change schools twice for our son because of the bullying. It is high time schools tackle this problem properly rather than pretending that it is not a serious issues or that it does not exist.
    We were frustrated to the point of suing the school and the bullies.
