Friday, 10 June 2016

Career choice challenges


Choosing a career path starts in the secondary schools.Therefore, to assist the young ones in deciding their future career path, career guidance, assessment and counseling must be given to students consistently to enable them choose the appropriate subjects for their chosen courses.
Assessment, guidance and counseling should be kept simple otherwise it adds confusion to the challenge.
Things to consider TRUTHFULLY in making that all important choice include;
1.What are your characteristics and values 2. What are your areas of interests. 3. What subjects do you excel in. 4. Are your favorite subjects science stream or arts stream. 5. What are your strengths and weaknesses. 6. Be honest to yourself about your level of intelligence. 7. What are your career goals. 8. What skills do you have. 9. What's your vision? Where do you see yourself in five years, ten years time? 10. Have a clear view of your abilities, limitations and passion.
Most importantly, it's your life, not your mother's, not your father's. They can advice and guide you but the decision is yours to make.


  1. I want to study biz admin but my parents want medicine. I am not interested but they have concluded to send me to Ukraine for cheap tuition in medicine. How can I change there mind? I'm miserable.

  2. This course or that course, the important thing is employment at the end of d day

  3. I graduated with 2.1 in mech eng two yrs ago and still no job. Which courses guarantee jobs?

  4. Almost all courses that used to lead to high earning careers are saturated.Meanwhile the new emerging courses are not available in Naija. How many of us can afford foreign education?
